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Welcome to the online research center of The Conservative Caucus Foundation (TCCF).  Our website provides useful information to those interested in many public policy questions.

You can read our evaluation of various pieces of legislation in the Legislative Analysis section.

The Constitutional Budget section reviews each line in the budget of various cabinet departments, showing which programs are allowed by the US Constitution and which are not – and explaining why.

The Constitutional Action Reports contain articles on various issues, especially those related to the Constitution.

Our links section makes it easier for you to do your own research, going to other useful websites with valuable information.

If you have comments or suggestions, please send us an email.

House Budget Committee Hearing on a Balanced Budget

On June 17 the House Budget Committee heard witness concerning balancing the Federal budget.

Read their testimony here: Balanced Budget Hearing

Obama Takes Aim at American Energy

Nichlas Loris of the Heritage Foundation describes the dangers of Obama's anti energy environmental plan. Read his report here. Obama Against Energy

CBO Warns That Economy Cannot Sustain Current Deficits

The Congressional Budget Office released a report in June, with a warning that the current deficit path is not sustainable over the long term. Read the full report here. Deficit Warning

Illegals Must Not Be Turned Loose

Dan Cadman at the Center of Immigration Studies explains why the Obama administration is making a mistake by releasing more illegal aliens instead of holding them for trial. Read the article here: Illegal Alien Release

GAO Report on United Nations Renovation

The Government Accountability Office found that the renovations of the United Nations (funded in part by the US taxpyer) cost more and took longer to complete than projected, despited reducing from five to three the number of building to be renovated. Read the full report (May 14, 2015) here:

UN Headquarters

GAO Finds Obama Administration Moves Very Slowly to Secure Mexican Border

The Government Accountablility Office has been making recommendations on how to better secure the Mexican border, the the Obama administration has been strangely slow in following through. Read the full report (May 13, 2015) here: Border Security Delays

GAO Report on Government Efficiency

You can read the GAO latest (March 2015) report on progress toward more government efficiency here: Government Efficiency

CBO Report on Budget Deficits

The Congressional Budget Office projects increasingly large deficts if spending remains on the course President Obama has set. Read their ful report here. Federal Deficit Increasing

Obama's Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2016

The FY 2016 budget presented by President Obama to Congress, with record-high spending, can be found here. Obama Budget

To see the budget in detail, program by program, go here: Detailed Budget


House Judiciary Committee Hears Testimony on Illegal and Unconstitutional Acts of the Obama Administration

            The Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives held a hearing on February 26, 2014, to hear testimony on the illegal and unconstitutional acts committed by the Obama administration and the possible legislative remedies.  The testimony can be found at the link below

Obama Illegal Acts


VA Inspector General's Report Available

The Interim Report of the Inspector General of the Department of Veterans Affairs confirmed reports that veterans suffered from extremely long delays, and some died while awaiting treatment.  The report may be found at the VA website.  Follow the link below. Name the link Veteran's Administration Report